Whitney- Still Going Strong After Camp

      Hello! My name is Whitney Weiss and I have had the pleasure and privilege of being involved with the ministry and mission of Riverwoods for the past eight months! I’ve been immersed in many of the different facets of Riverwoods… This summer I had the incredible job to serve as the camp’s Female Unit Leader! I also do on-campus retreat hosting and I participated in the recent Riverworks CM101 class! And of course, all the while, having a fantastic time volunteering in the office with Ben!
      A couple of weeks ago, Ben and I had the opportunity to speak at the Bethlehem Lutheran Youth Group about options they have to serve their community during Summer Camp 2015! The class was composed of about twenty-five high school students; all of them were eager to hear more! Ben gave a teaching on identity and spoke about the Riverwood’s Campus and it’s goals. I then had the chance to speak about what camp was like from the perspective of a staff member as well as share a personal testimony! All in all, the night was a great time of learning, eating candy, and taking part in the ministry’s passion- building relationships 🙂